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Muslim Aid Media Centre

Eid Greetings and Message from the Chairman of Muslim Aid

كل عام و أنتم بخير

May you be well throughout the year.

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I convey our heartfelt Eid greetings to all our donors, well-wishers, Muslim Aid HQ and global field office staff and volunteers, as well as our UK and overseas partners. 

May Allah Almighty shower His choicest blessings upon you and your loved ones, and may He grant you the highest level of happiness and joy on this auspicious day, Ameen.

This happy occasion is also an opportunity to express our deep appreciation and gratitude for the encouragement and support of all our donors and well wishers around the world. A special mention needs to be made of our Field Offices that implement Muslim Aid Ramadan and Feed the Fasting Programmes to take the happiness of Eid to the less privileged and poor in their respective countries. Our Pakistan Field Office has not only carried out the Muslim Aid Ramadan Programme but also worked round the clock to provide emergency relief to thousands of displaced people affected by the floods.

Our Fundraising, Donation and Communication teams in the HQ also spent long hours, sometimes running into the early hours of the following morning, in this holy month to ensure maximum funds are collected for Muslim Aid’s humanitarian work. This sacrifice will indeed be rewarded manifold by our Creator. We all share the joy that it is the poor and the needy around the world who will benefit immensely from this outstanding effort.

Let us pray Almighty Allah accepts all our ibaadah and efforts during the holy month and grants us peace, prosperity, progress, and above all, the tawfique to continue to serve humanity with all the means He has granted to us. May Allah SWT be our constant Guide and Protector at all times – Ameen.

Wassalam & Eid Mubarak

Sir Iqbal Sacranie OBE Chairman - Board of Trustees

Muslim Aid

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.