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Muslim Aid Media Centre

Ilford Islamic Centre gives generously to save lives in Balochistan

In an auspicious occasion the Chairman of Ilford Islamic centre, Malik Ghazanfar Ali presented the cheque for £2,000 to the Community Liaison officer of Muslim Aid, MW Khokhar. This huge amount was exclusively given for the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan. Vice Chairman Haji M Sharif, Qari Sher Mohammad, Shahgul Khan and Director Abdul Samad were also present. Mr Khokhar expressed his sincere gratitude for their generous support and ongoing cooperation.

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

Ways to Donate


  • Living Wage
  • Zakat Policy
  • Registered with

    Fundraising Regulator

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.