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Your ammanah delivered: Our Zakat 2024 report

Your ammanah delivered: Our Zakat 2024 report

As distributors of Zakah, we understand the importance of our duty and are honoured that Allah has trusted us enough to be in this position and honoured to receive your payments as part of an exchange of sacred ammanah. 

Last year, you helped us spend £2,909,434 on Zakah payments for those who need it the most, across our ummah. We have compiled a report with some highlights of our Zakat activities, so you can see how far your payments have gone. 

May Allah reward you for trusting Muslim Aid and for fulfilling your obligations, which have made a difference to the lives of our beloved brothers and sisters. 

Our Ummah is a body, and your Zakat payments are driving the change we need to nourish it. 

Learn more about our Zakah guide 

In mid-2020, Muslim Aid commissioned an independent consultant to develop a Zakah framework and more specifically a revised Zakah guide. This was specifically researched to look not just at the rulings related to collecting Zakah, but how it should be delivered correctly. During this time, we approached a number of Islamic institutions to vet this guide and towards the end of the year, a scholarly panel from the Islamic Council of Europe (ICE) conveneda number of times to review and critique the guide. Panel members would meet to discuss specific rulings in light of the reality of charitable work and some of the scenarios faced by charities members.  

Whilst ensuring Islamic orthodoxy was the main criterion, the guide was reviewed by scholars and finally approved in March 2021. MA have also circulated this guide to other Organisations/scholarly panels for their approval to try and encompass various denominations and approaches. It is expected after Ramadan that MA will involve the services of ICE and other institutions to vet and audit MA Zakah activities on a yearly basis to ensure adherence to the guide. 

Read more about our guide below.


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We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

Ways to Donate


  • Living Wage
  • Zakat Policy
  • Registered with

    Fundraising Regulator

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.