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Fight Hunger This Ramadan With Muslim Aid

Fight Hunger This Ramadan With Muslim Aid

Ramadan 2025 is drawing near; a month of blessing, a month of purity and a month of giving to charity. Ramadan is the ninth lunar month of the Islamic Calendar and is an extremely auspicious month for Muslims around the world.

Fasting, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is one of the key elements of Ramadan, where Muslims all over the world fast from dawn until dusk. Normal day-to-day routine is replaced with dua for fasting in Ramadan, for seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) and for remembering those less fortunate than ourselves. Fasting in Islam is a month of modesty, patience, discipline and, most of all, generosity.

For most of us, when we fast, our minds tend to wander to what delicious food may await us upon breaking our fast. Families unite together, bringing Ramadan gifts and preparing traditional feasts to sit together and eat for Iftar (evening meal). However, this month also serves to remind us of the many millions of people out there in the world who don’t even know when or where their next meal will come from.

We know that Ramadan 2025 in the UK will be one blessed with ample food after fasting. Nothing compares to the satisfying relief that you feel upon breaking your fast after a whole day of refraining from food and drink. It is difficult even to imagine how it must feel for those in poorer, underdeveloped countries who may not even know what these delicious dishes are or what they taste like. They yearn for just the simplest of things that we tend to take for granted, such as clean water, food, and warmth.

So, Feed the Hungry this Ramadan 2025 with Muslim Aid. While you are at home with your loved ones, preparing for your Iftar meal together, you can also ensure someone out there is fed. Your donation can provide support to some of the thousands of people out there who are constantly struggling and hungry.

It is believed that during Ramadan, the reward for good deeds is multiplied by 70. As a community with so many resources, there is plenty we can do to help change the lives of people in need. There are many projects by Muslim Aid, such as Need is Greatest, Give to Everything, Help our Heroes, Safe Water, Medical Aid, and the Child Sponsorship Programme and many more. Together, we can play our part and ensure we gain as much sawab (reward) as we can this month whilst changing the future of those around us.

With the dedicated help and donations of our supporters, we want Ramadan 2025 to play a significant role in helping to combat the hunger and misery caused in the world by the aftereffects of the pandemic and the global economic crisis. Turning your Ramadan gifts into donations to Muslim Aid, you can also make a difference in someone’s life this year and give a gift that keeps on giving. Donate to Muslim Aid today and see the change you can make to someone’s life.

Remember, we can give without even recalling, but those in need will take without ever forgetting.

To find out more about how you can Feed the Hungry this Ramadan, you can donate now

Let’s unite this Ramadan and attempt to reduce world poverty.

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.