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BBC Spotlights Muslim Aid’s Work on Gaza Worker Safety

BBC Radio features Muslim Aid to discuss the safety of aid workers in Gaza twice in one day

Muslim Aid’s Philanthropy and Partnerships Manager, Yusuf Kalam, was featured twice on different BBC Radio shows on Wednesday.

His first appearance was on BBC Radio 2 to discuss the plight of aid workers in Gaza after the killing of seven World Central Kitchen members who were en-route to delivering food to civilians.

Yusuf discussed the dangers facing aid workers in Gaza, adding that Muslim Aid is concerned for the safety of its staff and partners in the enclave, who continue to save lives despite the conditions they face.

Later that day, he was featured on BBC Radio 5’s 5 Live Drive show to discuss the extent of the humanitarian crisis Palestinians in Gaza are facing because of the current conflict and the way aid is being prevented from entering Gaza.

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