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Muslim Aid Media Centre

Ramadan Message from the Chairman of Muslim Aid

Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu,

 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I would like to convey my sincere and heartfelt Ramadan Kareem to you. This holy month is an occasion of great joy and blessing for all. 

During this blessed and sacred month, I pray that Almighty Allah (swt) rewards each and every one of you and your families for your good deeds, support, and generosity and that He keeps you in the best of health and the highest of Imaan inshaAllah. I also pray that Allah (swt) continues to bless us all with the ability to serve humanity for His pleasure and blessings.

This Ramadan, Muslim Aid will continue to distribute emergency aid to Syrian Refugees, and will be implementing programmes such as Feed the Fasting and sustainable development, including microfinance, child sponsorship and education worldwide.

May Almighty Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Kind keeps us all on a safe and steady path, accept our fasts, supplicationa and ibaadah and forgive all our sins. Ameen.  

Dr Manazir Ahsan MBE

Chairman of Muslim Aid

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.