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Somalia Crisis in Numbers

Since 1991, Somalia has experienced drought and flooding, famine and poverty, relentless violence, political instability, marginalisation and lack of development. All of these issues have intensified the humanitarian needs in Somalia.

Malnutrition rates in Somalia remain the highest in the world. Droughts have resulted in severe food shortages which have caused widespread illness and disease. Vulnerable families are desperately trying to survive the starvation and needless devastation from the ongoing conflict.

Food shortages and continuous violence have resulted in very high rates of internal displacement of people across Somalia. The people of Somalia need your help, today.

Our team reveal some of the horrifying facts about life in Somalia to highlight the extent of the humanitarian crisis that is ongoing.

Over 6.3 million people in Somalia require humanitarian assistance 

According to the United Nation’s (UN) data, over 4.2 million people (a third of Somalia’s population), required humanitarian assistance last year; almost two-thirds of these were children. By December 2019, it is estimated that another 2.1 million people will be facing severe hunger.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (UNOCHA) figures indicate that 2.5 million children are included in those that are in need of humanitarian aid. Children are not only suffering from malnutrition, chronic diseases and related conditions but are also vulnerable to forced military recruitment, slavery and sexual abuse.

2.6 million people are internally displaced in Somalia

The UN data (2019), states that 2.6 million people are currently internally displaced in Somalia. Due to continuous violence and drought, Somalis are forced to abandon their homes and livelihoods in search of safety and food. These families are vulnerable to serious abuse, including indiscriminate killings, limited access to basic services and sexual violence.

Over 809,000 Somalis are living as refugees

According to the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) June 2019 data, 809,000 Somalis are living as refugees in neighbouring countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen. Living in overcrowded camps, these refugees are in desperate need of basic services and safety, yearning for the comfort of their homes and normality.

Over 2 million Somalis are at risk of starvation if they don’t get emergency aid

Crop production failure and a steep decline in livestock productivity have resulted in 2.2 million Somalis experiencing crisis levels of food shortage. According to the  UN World Health Organization (WHO) research, immediate humanitarian aid assistance is needed to prevent the situation from worsening.

954,000 Somali children under 5 years old will experience acute malnutrition in 2019

According to the UN Children’s Fund data (UNICEF), 954,000 Somali children under the age of 5 years will face acute malnutrition in 2019. Malnutrition is always accompanied by high mortality rates due to an increase in susceptibility to disease.

1,500 people in Somalia are suspected of having measles

The UN World Health Organization (WHO) has identified 1,500 people in Somalia suspected of having measles - more than 80% of these are children. Measles causes severe suffering and pain and can lead to blindness, swelling of the brain and extreme dehydration. Without a good healthcare system, these people struggle with the vital medical support they need.

Only 20% of UN Humanitarian Appeal for Somalia is currently funded

According to UNHCR statistics, only 20% of UN Humanitarian Appeal for Somalia is currently funded by donor countries, causing insufficient humanitarian aid available to counter this crisis. The people of Somalia look towards independent charities to provide life-saving aid. Together with your support, Muslim Aid can make a difference.

UN warns of 70% lower cereal production since 2011 in Somalia

Late and sporadic rains, coupled with low river water levels, have led to the poorest cereal harvest in Somalia since the beginning of the 2011 drought. Data gathered by UN and partners highlighted that in southern Somalia, cereal production was 70% lower than the average predicted for 2019. This shortfall has increased the food prices in Somalia, leading the country further into famine and starvation.

3 million Somalis are in need of health aid

Famine and violence over the 30-year civil war period, has weakened Somalia’s healthcare system. Further drought and flooding have contributed to widespread malnutrition and disease outbreak. According to WHO, a lack of access to healthcare, coupled with prolonged famine has resulted in 3 million Somalis in desperate need of medical assistance.

1.8 million Somali children between the ages 5-17 years are out of school 

Data from UNICEF warns of the education crisis in Somalia, as 1.8 million children and young people are currently missing out on education. Schools are not only places for learning but also important in delivering healthcare and vital services to children. Schools provide structure and a sense of normality, where children have fun, develop friendships and create futures – but sadly, millions of Samali children are missing out.

Only 33% of Somali families have access to safe and clean drinking water

According to UNICEF, only a third of Somali families have access to safe and clean drinking water. WHO has attributed hundreds of thousands of deaths to water-related diseases such as acute respiratory tract infections and diarrheal diseases. You can help provide Somali families with clean water by supporting the digging of new wells and repairing existing ones.

Donate Today and Help Somalia

Vulnerable families need your help to meet basic needs and survive the malnutrition they are living with. Muslim Aid is committed to easing the suffering of the vulnerable; donate today to the Water for Somalia appeal and help Muslim Aid to build borehole water wells, supplying safe drinking water for the next 30 years.

Just £150 can provide clean safe drinking water for 6 families, up to 60 people

Just £500 can provide clean safe drinking water for 33 families, up to 200 people

Just £1,000 can provide clean safe drinking water for 66 families, up to 400 people

Just £2,500 can provide clean safe drinking water for 166 families, up to 1,000 people 

Just £5,000 can provide clean safe drinking water for 333 families, up to 2,000 people


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