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Aseel is from Gaza. At nine years old, she’s witnessed three wars and the loss of her father, who died from cancer.
Her mother struggled to pay rent and buy food for Aseel and her six other siblings.  Life was a struggle for the entire family. The economic conditions in Gaza is dire and most families live in poverty.  
It wasn’t until 2009, when a donor supported her through the Rainbow Family Support Programme, that their lives changed for the better.  As well as being able to go to school, Aseel’s sponsorship covers the rent for her household and more importantly a generator was brought for her home, which has helped the entire family with their daily activities.
The constant supply of energy means continuous lighting and heating in the house. Aseel’s mother can cook meals, and the children can do their homework in the evening without interruption. Life has greatly improved for the family and with the children’s final exams approaching, Aseel’s mother is confident that her children have the right environment to study.

Aseel’s mother wrote a lovely message to her donor which we would like to share with you
Dear donor – may Allah bless you.

How are you? I ask Allah that my letter finds you in best of health and Imaan , you and your family.
If you would like to know about Aseel, she is doing well ElHamduliAllah , she is now at the 3rd Primary Grade. I'm her guardian and my family consists of seven members. We live during these very hard conditions due to the siege imposed on the Gaza people, and the war that left bad conditions to most of the families here.

We are writing to express our thanks and gratitude for what you offered during the hard conditions. Thanks for helping us with the rent fees. Also we would inform you that we purchased a UPS Device for illumination during the electricity cut, thank you very much. We all make duaa for you, Jazak Allah Khirun.

May Allah bless you and your family. We all hope that you will continue in your support of my family as we really are in urgent need. we live in a  friction area near the occupation zone and  we are exposed to danger.

We would like to thank Muslim Aid and Nour El Marifa Association for all their appreciated efforts.

Thank you so much again and again.

Mother of,
Aseel AbdulAziz Abo Shehada

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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  • Zakat Policy
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    Fundraising Regulator

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.