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Muslim Aid Media Centre

Canned Qurbani for Syrian Families

Muslims around the world are preparing for the coming festivities, and a big part of this will be the sharing of Qurbani meat, which will be cooked for Eid and the days that follow. Having meat as a regular part of our diet, however, is something that is often taken for granted, as well as the fact that we can refrigerate meat and other perishables for later consumption. For the Syrian refugees living in the camps of the countries neighbouring their homeland, Eid will be celebrated out in the tents of the refugee camps that are now home to millions. In such circumstances, Qurbani meat delivered to them would normally have to be eaten within the first few days as they have no means of preserving and saving the supplies for later.

It is for this reason that Muslim Aid has decided to can-pack Qurbani meat for delivery to around 80,000 Syrian families living in the refugee camps of Jordan. By packing food in cans, it can be saved and stored for months and even years. The meat can then be eaten on the days of Eid and also stored away for later consumption. 


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