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Muslim Aid Media Centre

The Importance of Healthcare

Healthcare is a part of life we all consider to be something we are entitled to – it is our right to have access to healthcare whenever we need it. However, for many people across the world, this is simply not an option. Those living in poverty or dealing with the devastating effects of war and conflict do not have access to healthcare – even the most basic medical supplies are out of reach for many vulnerable people.
The Importance of Healthcare

In countries such as Syria, donations can go a long way towards alleviating the effects of poverty and helping disadvantaged people in their time of need. Whether it is food packs or essential care packages, your generosity helps us to send vital aid to people in countries like Syria.

Why is Healthcare So Important?

Without access to healthcare, people are far more at risk. Diseases, malnutrition, pregnancy – all can become incredibly dangerous without proper help and support.

In Syria, many people are fleeing the ongoing conflict, living their lives on the road as refugees attempting to escape the country. This means that they do not have access to any medical supplies, which for pregnant women and young children, in particular, can be especially harmful.

The hospitals and medical centres which do remain open are full to capacity, with patients in need of urgent care overflowing as healthcare professionals struggle to cope with the influx of patients and a severe shortage of essential medical supplies.

Here at Muslim Aid, we are dedicated to doing all that we can to improve the quality of life for the people of Syria; we are committed to easing their suffering and helping out wherever we can. We also recognise the importance of healthcare, realising how fortunate we are to have easy access to medical supplies and a world-class healthcare system.

Syria Donations: Hospital Appeal

Our Syria hospital appeal allows us to support a large hospital in northern Syria. This clinic sees over 14,000 patients pass through its doors every single month, causing an incredible strain on resources. In addition to the lack of medical supplies and qualified medical personnel, saving lives in a war zone only complicates things further.

This hospital is essential for the Syrian people, but things simply cannot continue at the current rate for much longer.

With your generous support, we can send much-needed aid to this hospital, supplying vital equipment, supplies, and staff to give hope to the people of Syria. Donations really can save lives - donate to Muslim Aid’s Syria hospital appeal today. 

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.