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How is Meat Distributed for Qurbani?

How is Meat Distributed for Qurbani?

In the Islamic festival of sacrifice, there are a number of Qurbani meat distribution rules to ensure that the sacrifice is valid in the eyes of Allah (SWT) and that the meat reaches those who need it most.

The tradition of meat in Qurbani stems from the story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS), wherein Allah (SWT) instructed him to sacrifice his son, Ismail (AS). Both the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) were willing to oblige out of their devotion to the Creator, and as a reward for this, Allah (SWT) replaced Ismail (AS) with a ram at the last minute, leaving him unharmed. Therefore, Qurbani meat is symbolic of the slaughtered ram, which also signifies an undying commitment to Allah (SWT).

Who is Required to Give Qurbani? 

All Muslims who have reached puberty, have wealth that exceeds the Nisab threshold, and are of sound mind are obliged to make a Qurbani donation. Some eligible Muslims also choose to donate on behalf of their dependents or their deceased family members. This allows them to provide more Qurbani meat to hungry people across the globe and also maximise their rewards.

How to Divide Qurbani Meat in Islam

Traditionally, Muslims were required to make their Qurbani sacrifices themselves. The meat from this sacrifice was then required to be divided into three equal parts. These parts were then to be distributed among the person making the sacrifice and their family, their friends and neighbours, and those in need.

Today, British law stands in the way of Muslims in the UK slaughtering animals themselves, meaning the sacrifice and the distribution of meat are carried out a little differently. Typically speaking, Muslims in the UK now make a Qurbani donation to an Islamic charity, such as Muslim Aid. We then use your donation to purchase a valid Qurbani animal in an Islamic country, slaughter it in line with Islamic slaughter rules, and distribute the entire Qurbani share to those in need.

How Much Meat is One Qurbani Share?

Each eligible Muslim is required to donate one Qurbani share. A single Qurbani share can either come in the form of one small animal (a sheep or a goat) or one-seventh of a large animal (a cow, bull, buffalo, or camel). If you wish to donate on behalf of multiple people, you might consider donating a large animal worth seven shares.

The Permitted Age of Animals for Qurbani 

One of the rules that dictate whether an animal qualifies as Qurbani is its age. The age requirements will vary depending on the specific animal, and the rules are as follows: 

  • Sheep and goats must be at least one year old. 
  • Cows, bulls, and buffalos must be at least two years old. 
  • Camels must be at least five years old. 

In addition to being a certain age, Qurbani animals must also meet a series of other criteria. These criteria include the following: 

  • All Qurbani animals should be in good health, meaning they can’t have an illness or disease, their horns can’t be broken, they must have at least half their teeth, they can’t have less than a third of their ears or tail, and they must be able to walk themselves to slaughter.
  • Qurbani animals mustn’t see other animals being slaughtered. 
  • Qurbani animals can’t see the knife with which they’ll be slaughtered, and it can’t be sharpened in front of them. 
  • The knife used must be sharp.

When Should Qurbani Animals Be Purchased?

Qurbani animals should be purchased in the days leading up to Eid al-Adha, and they should be properly cared for within this time. This involves making sure they’re well-nourished and comfortable. When you make a Qurbani donation to Muslim Aid, we will make sure that your animal is cared for in the way that Allah (SWT) deems fit.

When Should the Qurbani Sacrifices Take Place?

All Qurbani sacrifices should take place during the days of Eid al-Adha to be considered valid in the eyes of Allah (SWT). When you donate your Qurbani to Muslim Aid in the lead-up to Eid al-Adha, we’ll make certain that your sacrifice is carried out in one of the three days. This year, Eid al-Adha is set to begin on Sunday, 16 June and end on Tuesday, 18 June; however, these dates are subject to change depending on the moonsighting.

Offering Qurbani Sacrifices with Muslim Aid

Muslim Aid makes it easier than ever to donate the cost of a Qurbani sacrifice. Simply head to our Qurbani donation page and select your Qurbani from the options provided. Our Need is Greatest Qurbani option helps you to ensure that your Qurbani reaches some of the most vulnerable members of society, allowing you to maximise your impact.

Regardless of your chosen Qurbani option, your donation has the power to change lives. Give your Qurbani with Muslim Aid to provide those in need with nutritious meat this Eid al-Adha.

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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