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Important Rules and Guidelines Regarding Qurbani

As one of the most important religious practices in Islam, completing Qurbani (also known as Udhiya) is an essential part of being a Muslim. Billions perform Qurbani each year in the month of Dhul Hijjah, the final month of the Islamic calendar. For those who are unaware, Qurbani is the act of slaughtering an animal to commemorate the sacrifice that Ibrahim (AS) was willing to make and pay homage to Allah (SWT).

Due to the importance of this religious act, there is a range of Qurbani rules and regulations which must be followed when performing Qurbani. By following these tenets, Muslims can truly embrace their faith and make the most of Eid ul-Adha. Here, we will cover the core Qurbani rules you should keep in mind.

Who is Eligible to Perform Qurbani?

The giving Qurbani rules in Islam state that performing Qurbani is not obligatory for all Muslims, it is only compulsory for some. All sane, adult Muslims who have wealth equal to or exceeding the Nisab threshold for Zakat are obliged to complete Udhiya. In short, if an individual is eligible to pay Zakat, they must also perform Qurbani. In addition, Udhiya is compulsory for all members of the family, including children. Therefore, parents must complete Qurbani contributions on behalf of their children where necessary.

When Must Qurbani Be Completed?

One of the most important Qurbani Eid rules surrounds when the sacrifice must be completed. Islamic guidelines state that Qurbani should be performed between the 10th and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah, the final month in the Islamic calendar. This is particularly important as Eid ul-Adha takes place across this three-day period and Qurbani should be completed after the initial Eid ul-Adha prayers on the first day. In total, this gives Muslims three days to complete their Qurbani correctly. Even if an individual has taken part in an animal sacrifice before these three days, they must do so again during the Eid ul-Adha celebrations for their Udhiya to be considered valid.

What Animals Can Be Sacrificed for Qurbani

When it comes to the Qurbani meat distribution rules, the health and condition of the animal are also very important. Animals that are weak, blind, physically disabled, or those who are young, have broken horns, or have no teeth are ineligible. Regarding the types of animals that can be used for Qurbani, people generally opt for a goat. However, sheep, cows, bulls, buffalo, and camels are also acceptable.

Saying the Takbeer at the time of sacrifice is paramount to ensuring a successful and acceptable Qurbani. Bismillahi Allahu Akbar (in the name of Allah, Allah is Great) are the correct words to say at that moment. It is not necessary to say these words aloud.

With Eid-ul-Adha not far away, it is important that Muslims who will be performing Qurbani for the first time this year can complete it properly. May Allah (SWT) give us the opportunity to perform Hajj next year Inshallah. May he accept our sacrifice as a testament to our faith and belief. Ameen!

Alternatively, you can allow us at Muslim Aid to complete your Qurbani donation on your behalf by donating towards our dedicated cause. With your assistance, we can continue to provide hope and life-saving food to struggling Islamic communities around the globe. Contribute today and make a difference.

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