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Muslim Aid Providing Economic Development for Women

Muslim Aid Providing Economic Development for Women

At Muslim Aid, we have always maintained that one of the best forms of aid is to provide self-dependency. This can be achieved in many ways. Education is one; learning tradecraft is another. After 20 years of active charity work in over 70 countries, we can safely say that making people self-reliant, and self-dependent is one of the best things you can do for them. In fact, doing so is not only a good thing; in many cases, it is a dire necessity to sustain life in certain regions, especially amongst women. We approach each aid campaign with the undying hope to make communities stand on their feet and enable them to start earning for themselves.
In today’s post, we will talk about how Muslim Aid contributes to economic empowerment and development of women in some of the world’s most affected regions. The idea is to offer a glimpse of the work we do. There is more to aid than food rations and warm blankets. We touch people’s lives on a much deeper level, enabling them to value it and make the most of it.
We come across many  different people who are struggling to make ends meet, including mothers, wives and widows. Many are fully aware of their situation and know what must be done in order to make things better. What they lack are the finances to makes changes in their life. Muslim Aid provides struggling people with interest free loans. These loans are also collateral free, and their primary purpose is to pace the way for their stable future. The loan recipients in turn can open a small business or buy certain tools they need to take up new job opportunities or work for themselves. Whether they need a sewing machine to start making a living as a tailor, or a few agriculture tools to become a gardener, the micro-finance loan from Muslim Aid gets them started on the path to success.
Training and Tradecraft
For some communities, it is a matter of teaching them the tools of the trade. Providing economic support goes beyond financial donations. In many cases, we train the locals with some easy to adopt skills that they can take up as professions. This includes providing women training in agriculture, poultry, handicrafts, garment product, dairy production, and even small business management. These are opportunities that are there for the taking. We provide women with the training and the confidence so that they can take up such jobs and start changing their lives.
What We Have Done So Far
Muslim Aid has worked very hard in promoting economic empowerment and prosperity among developing nations. We certainly have the numbers to show for it. Over 71,000 people including thousands of women have benefited from Muslim Aid’s micro-finance programme in Asia. These people belong to different countries, ranging from Bangladesh and Pakistan to Somalia and Cambodia. More than £5.5m has been invested in income generation strategies in these regions.
We will continue to bring change in people’s lives and provide them with the tools they need to rebuild their life and with it, a bright future. Become a part of this change. Participate in Muslim Aid campaigns today.

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

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