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Qurbani in the West Bank on Dhul Hijjah by Muslim Aid

On these blessed Duhul Hijjah days, let’s honour Qurbani in West Bank, the place where Ibrahim (AS) is buried

Due to the ongoing situation in Gaza, Muslim Aid is carrying out your Qurbani in the West Bank this year. We will still be offering meat to Palestinians in Gaza, but we cannot call it a Qurbani due to the ritualistic guidelines that our Sunnah has provided us with.

This is yet another tragedy as the effects of the violence of our beloved Gaza unfolds, but we must remain committed to the Palestinian people in as many ways as we can. So, where is the West Bank and why is it important?

The West Bank is a territory in Palestine that is west of the Jordan River. Its economy is largely dependent on agriculture, services, and some industry. It faces significant economic challenges, including restrictions on movement, especially after it was occupied in 1967.

Since then, Palestinians in the West Bank have been facing severe difficulties in their daily lives, including violence from settlers -- whom the UN say are living in the West Bank illegally – restrictions on movement, high unemployment, poverty and the risk of their homes, shops and schools being demolished.

To go between cities, and sometimes even neighbourhoods, Palestinians in the West Bank face numerous military checkpoints and roadblocks that restrict their movement and limit access to essential services, workplaces, and agricultural lands.

They are also deprived of access to water, electricity and other essential resources. This is not out of a lack of resources, it’s because they are not prioritised in receiving access.

While Palestinians in the West Bank are not facing an onslaught the way our brothers in sisters in Gaza are, their lives are still made difficult.

The West Bank is also where our beloved Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is buried – the prophet to whom we attribute Eid al-Adha.

Ibrahim (AS) is buried in the West Bank's southern city of Hebron, specifically in the site of the Ibrahimi Mosque. Today, Hebron is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world but is also a place where Palestinians face dire forms of oppression with one of the highest levels of systemic violence within the West Bank.

We are unable to carry out Qurbani in Gaza due to the heinous crimes against humanity, we must remember that Palestinians outside of Gaza are not free of oppression.

As we mark these blessed days of Duhul Hijjah, let’s keep our brothers and sisters in mind. The people who come from the place our beloved Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was buried need us and we must answer their call.

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