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Our Safeguarding Commitments

Our Safeguarding Commitments

At Muslim Aid, we are dedicated to fostering a culture and environment rooted in fairness, equality, respect, and accountability. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of serious misconduct. Our commitment is to bring about transformative change in safeguarding and harassment practices, building on our existing processes and policies, but striving further by prioritising the rights of beneficiaries (or ‘right holders’, a term we prefer) and survivors, especially women and girls.

We believe that all our staff, both in the UK and our Country Offices, must adhere to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct in line with our faith-based values to effectively serve humanity. We hold a moral responsibility towards the vulnerable children and adults we work with, and we remain transparent and accountable to the public and donors who entrust us to use their funds effectively in our humanitarian and developmental programmes.

Our Safeguarding Framework, which guides our work, includes comprehensive policies on:

  • Safeguarding
  • Code of Conduct
  • Bullying and Harassment (Dignity at Work)
  • Whistleblowing
  • Complaints & Grievances

Our absolute irrevocable priority is ensuring the physical and emotional safety of children, vulnerable communities, and our staff. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance on any incidents of violence or abuse against children and others in the communities we serve, whether perpetrated by our staff or others associated with our work.

Inspired by our Islamic faith and values, we envision a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond collectively to the suffering of others.  We strongly condemn any misuse of power, status, or trusted positions for sexual or other exploitative purposes and actively address these root causes in our prevention efforts. Continuous improvement of safeguarding practices, particularly those preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and other forms of violence or harm, remains a top priority.

How we are keeping people safe

Keeping people safe is a vital part of our work. We have established mechanisms within our programmes that enable communities, beneficiaries, and staff to report potential cases of abuse. We provide training for frontline staff to recognise and respond to issues of sexual exploitation and abuse affecting children, vulnerable groups, and staff. Additionally, we maintain a confidential third-party Whistleblower Hotline accessible to all.

We continuously monitor and update our internal policies to ensure accountability and improvement. We believe we have a moral obligation to uphold the highest ethical standards in our work. Our Global Safeguarding Policy builds upon our Safeguarding Framework, to protect all vulnerable individuals, especially women and children, within one integrated policy.

As a faith-based NGO, we draw upon a rich heritage of social action and collaboration with various communities to improve the lives of those in need. Our commitment to safeguarding is deeply intertwined with our core principles of:

  • Dignity (Karamah)
  • Justice (Adl) & Fairness
  • Excellence (Ihsan)
  • Compassion (Rahma)
  • Service (Khidma)

Inspired by our faith, we work inclusively with all people, regardless of their fath, race, ethnicity, age, or ability.

Recognising the complexity and dynamic nature of our work, we actively seek a participatory and intersectional approach at all levels, to address the underlying societal and systemic power imbalances that exist within society and the communities we work with.


How to Raise a Concern

We encourage and welcome anyone, including our partners, the communities we work with, our supporters, and the public, to report safeguarding concerns.

You can do this through our dedicated safeguarding email: [email protected]. All safeguarding reports will be promptly responded to by Muslim Aid’s safeguarding team.

Additionally, we encourage the use of our confidential, third-party reporting mechanism for raising any Whistleblowing concerns:

By accessing the above Whistleblowing link, you will be taken to a third-party website, which is not owned, or managed by Muslim Aid to ensure accountability.

We are a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

020 7377 4200

Ways to Donate


  • Living Wage
  • Zakat Policy
  • Registered with

    Fundraising Regulator

Please support us further

Your donation will provide help to people who are victims of natural disasters or conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.